Hammers Are Cool

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Poor Adam!!

Well, Adam arrived in Omaha for his gig at the Funny Bone. Poor guy... we set a new "heat" record on Monday, at 65 degrees, then yesterday, one day later, it turned bitter cold. Adam said when he landed, it was 18 degrees. I didn't have the heart to tell him that it was only 18 degrees because they didn't mention the wind chill. When you factor in the wind chill, it was maybe 5 or 6 degrees. I thought it might snow for him last night, but it didn't. The cold temps are expected to last until the day he leaves. Sorry, Adam!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Susie's Birthday

Oh my, is today really the 27th? How did the 26th get past me? Hope you had a good day.

Thursday, November 23, 2006


I hope each of you are having the best Thanksgiving EVER.....There will just be 4 of us so that is cool....Not a lot of fuss and easy conversation.....I miss you all and love you dearly....MOM GMA NONNY Whatever....Mostly I will miss the shopping day tomorrow....those were the good old days...sigh

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Almost Thanksgiving...

Kyle came home yesterday, so that's cool. We went to Applebee's for lunch, and on the way home, we almost got killed by Wee Man from Jack(butt). There's a new random signal in town, which no one is used to yet. Kyle stopped for it, and Wee Man had to swerve to the side to avoid rear-ending us. Wee Man drives a big giant pickup, oddly enough. I would have guessed some kind of clown car or something. He rolled down his window with his tiny little arm, and I rolled mine down, too. Turns out this Wee Man also has a lisp. He said, "Holy thit, I didn't thee your bwake lighth in the thun! I almotht ran up your ath!!" I think he was standing up on his seat to talk to me.

So anyway, Brad will be home tonight, too. Full house.... and not in the good "Uncle Jesse" way.

Kacy wants to learn how to make a Thanksgiving meal, so she's going to cook for us, while I supervise the bird-preparation and all that. Hopefully she's not going to use Mom's "recipe" for stuffing.

What is everyone else doing?

You know, the more I consider the phrase "We were almost rear-ended by a midget with a lisp," I think that there are more joke possibilities there, that I'm missing. It might be because I'm still on pain-killers from my surgery, but it's bothering me that I can't formulate more. I'm just sayin'.

Friday, November 17, 2006


Europe was great....but I am glad to be home. Steve drove us on the AutoBot very very fast....and we are all alive to tell about it....yeah!! You must ask him about the windshield wipers tho.....They mysteriously turned on....but not off....I am still going to bed at odd hours and can't seem to get past being tired. I am having some old people over for Thanksgiving....people who are alone like us....I went to Scolaris and ordered a cooked Turkey...it comes with dressing, gravy, and rolls...I will cook the rest of the stuff...I will open a can of cranberries, buy a pie from Costco and mash some potatoes...oh yeah and I will cook some corn....How lazy is that???? But at least I don't have to worry about it....Kyle your Mom needs a spanking for calling you a weiniehead....she is very bad....I love you all

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Goodbye, My Friend...

In less than five hours, I will be saying goodbye forever to a friend that has been with me through thick and thin. It's hard to imagine any friend being closer to me. I feel like I've carried this friend within for the longest time.

Technically, I have, since it's my gall bladder to which I'll be bidding a fond farewell. It's been a great gall bladder. For all these years, it's collected and stored my bile for me. At the appropriate times, it has released the bile into my small intestine, aiding my duodenum in processing my digestion of fats. I suspect that next time I eat bacon, I might really miss my gall bladder. I mean, it's not like any of YOU would collect and store my bile, let alone release it appropriately. None of YOU love me that much.

I'm going to ask my surgeon if I can have my gall stones. I consider them small treasures, formed by my gall bladder as a permanent gift for me. I'd like to make a necklace from them, so I can forever remember my gall bladder.

So, goodbye my friend. You've been great, until recently, when you started to suck. You made me hate you. You must die.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Halloween Madness?

What a stud, just like his uncle.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I'm too young for this!

Wyn and I now have yet another 21 year old kid. I'm way too young for that to be or feel real. What's scarier is that to celebrate, the two oldest brothers are taking their now of age brother to Las Vegas for a 48 hour or so romp through sin city....Pray for the town, it may not be the same after they arrive. They swear they will be safe and behave themselves, but we all know the truth, right? Well, hopefully they all come back fine and none the worse for the experience...Guess I can always hope they win a poker tournament or two while there.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Live from Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Yeah... Cedar Rapids. Dennis and I are here for the State Volleyball tournament, even though our team didn't make it this far. We're going to work on the stats crew, because we're cool like that. Our hotel room is actually quite lovely, with a very pretty view of the Cedar River. Well, at least it's pretty tonight, with lights reflecting from it.

Saw the doctor today, for a history and physical before my surgery next week. (I'm getting my gall bladder out next week... good times.) Apparently my thyroid levels are messed up AGAIN. I swear, I'm broken. This one is fixable, though, I think. But it's a tad worrisome, since the levels being goofy increase the odds that cancer will return. I'm not down with that.

That's my news. Feel free to check up on my kids, who are "home alone." (Well, Kacy and Arick are in charge of Bonnie.... close enough.)

Love to all!

Monday, November 06, 2006



Ok so because I know that you have been wanting to see new pictures of us, who am I kidding, Steven. Here is the most recent picture taken. The picture I would like you to see is the first picture and the picture Ryan thought you would all enjoy is the second, although I'm guessing you already know that. Yes, we were trying to take a cute picture for a Christmas photo and then my husband enter and made it well you can see for yourselves.

Love you all,
know you are enjoying this (I'm getting really big or as I like to say Daniel is growing very well)

Ok so because I'm new at the blog thing the pictures are not in the order I wanted them, sorry. I still think you can figure out which one Ryan thought would give you all a good laugh.

Another Update from Europe!

Another update from the 'rents... I added a picture that I stole, too, just for visual effect.

We have been to England, Belgium, Netherlands, Small part of France and Germany. The cruise todaz was beautiful. The autumn colors are all around. The tour guide kept telling us that the tourists season ended zesterday and how busy thez are in the summer but I can't imagine that it could be any prettier. I think Dennis' and Scott's watches are in the mail. Have no idea what Steves cost but I do know what Dads cost. I am extremely tired and on my way to bed. I love you all the mostus and bestus MOM

Sunday, November 05, 2006

European Update!

Got this via email from Mom/Nonny/Gma, etc...

We are now in Frankfort Germany. Going to take a cruise on the Rhine river tomorrow. We went to the Corrie Ten Boom Museum zesterdaz. Oh my heart was overflowing . Unbelieveable. We have now been to five countries. Went to church today with Steves friend Linda and she sat behind us and told us the words to the songs and to the sermon What a joys to listen to chorus' in another language and know that they are worshipping the same God. It was beautiful. We have seen so many beautiful things. Many old old churches and the houses AND buildings are so diferent from ours and so old. We hope to se th4e Sprires castle tomorow also. You need to reply to this email address because it is the one we are checking. We have pictures of Bobies but they are not on bicycles two bz two. We are here for 3 nights and we wil check back. This ´keyboard is closer to ours but the y and the z are transposed so deal with it. I love you all the mostus and bestus MOM btw Dad and Steve bought watches in the original TenBoom Watchshop. Very cool

Very descriptive, and it sounds like they're having a great time! I wrote back and told her that I used to refer to Corrie Ten Boom as "Corrie Ten Boobs," but I was glad I hadn't shared that before the trip. She might have chortled at an inappropriate time.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

This is Arick and I at a Nebraska Cornhusker Football game. My First. :D
It was fun!

My Cute little Face Tattoo.

And Me kissing the Quarterback. Arick made me do this in front of everyone. What a dork. But I have to say, a cute picture. :)

I thought that we should start putting more pics on here. It lets people in other states, see what we do. Plus I love taking pictures, so be prepared to see a lot.

Love ya'll!