Hammers Are Cool

Monday, October 30, 2006


I know that is wrong...but I can't think what else to say.....TATA....I think they say that but hey at least you all know what I mean.....I love you all dearly and will have a "spotted dick" for you....or maybe not.....


I'm a little uncomfortable with the idea of three-fifths of my family of origin, plus one of my top two SILs being on the other side of the globe. I'm just sayin'!

Sunday, October 29, 2006


This going to take practice for me..I will practice more when I get more time....Your Dad is so patient.....I am testy....I am tired....
I am trying this....I have irritated my husband by him reading the instructions and me trying to move ahead instead of listening....So I am now trying on my own.....

Testing Access for the 'rents

I'm pretty sure I got Mom and Dad on the blog... I'm testing their posting, 
and emailing them instructions.  Hopefully this is going to work.


Thursday, October 26, 2006

Ok I'm here and loving this, Ryan just got home from hunting, it was a big waist of money and time. There were no elk out on his weekned, exacpt one and he shot and missed. He is ok, but his ego is hurting alittle. Love you guys and this is so cool.

By the way we have decided on Daniel Ryan Butler, for this new baby and I think my scheduled date will be 2/28, start praying for Steven he is beginning to show signs of not wanting to share with this new brother.


I dig this so far. :D

This could get interesting!

Arick is going hunting tomorrow and Saturday. He'll probably have some sweet pictures when he gets back. I'll put 'em up. Because I know you all will want to see them. Just like I will! *eye roll*

Lots Of Love from the Johansons!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


i think the only thing that would be better that this would be a Forum. The reason being, a forum will tell you where the new posts are so you dont have to search every topic. I dont think this would happen, because i doubt a forum would be free, but they're just as easy as this.

Scott is in da blog dogs!

I'm here too...hope I don't have to check too many places...Let the fun begin, I've arrived!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Leave Comments!

Everyone should notice the "comments" link under every post. (I see that Steve, Dennis and Brad already found it.) That's where we can "discuss" (read: mock) each new post. I'm pretty sure a person has to be registered to be able to comment.

I am here!!

I have joined so I will be watching the comedy as it unfolds.


Monday, October 23, 2006

Happy Birthday, Bethany Joy!!

Happy birthday, sweetie!!

Ok I am here... now what

I have never blogged before. Is this where it will be easy for Mom and Dad and Jill and I to communicate with everyone from Europe? How do we get here from Internet Cafe's?

Sending out invitations...

Okay, looks like the blog is a "go"... so I'll send everyone an invitation 
to be a member of the blog, which just means that you can post on it!   

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Testing... what do you think?

I can send directions to everyone by email.  It seems fairly simple, though, 
even for the... *cough*... old people.


I tested adding a picture... thought I'd post the one that pretty much got this 
family started!  :-)
