Hammers Are Cool

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Date is set

Okay, there is officially a date and a venue for the upcoming nuptials. Justing and Krista are getting married July 6 in Yorba Linda. They will be using the same facilities that Adam and Melody used. As you probably know, we are looking forward to this wondrous event!


  • At 8:49 AM, Blogger Susie said…

    yayyyyy! The only negative (from our side of things) about that date is that Arick's sister is getting married the next day, and he's performing the ceremony, and Kacy's a bridesmaid. So that means they won't be able to join us. Boo. But YAY for a date! And from what Mom told me about the situation with the location, it'll be perfect.

  • At 10:13 PM, Blogger THE Brad said…

    i wanna go.

  • At 6:17 AM, Blogger Scott said…

    Road trip Brad!


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