Hammers Are Cool

Monday, December 18, 2006

A White Christmas in Chino?

Wow, is it cold here! It's been soooo cold in Chino I know you all are feeling so bad for us. We had to get out jackets and we even had a hazing of the white stuff yesterday and this morning to wake up. I'm starting to relate to Suz and family out there in the midwest, though I know it's probably a couple of degrees cooler. Who knows, we may even have a California White Christmas! Here are a couple of pics just to let you feel our pain.

Both of these pics are of houses across the street. The first one shows BJ's new (used) Toyota Tundra truck he got to replace his lemon Impala that GM has paid him off on, or will soon as the "check" is being processed now. You'll have to hear that story at Christmas, but basically, he found a lawyer, who sent letters and promised to sue, after a few months GM is paying back everything he's paid in, down payment, all monthly payments, etc. and will be getting their car back at very little loss to BJ of out-of-pocket money invested in that lemon.

The glare from the misleading sun slightly masks the cold and pic of the other house across the street and their roof covered white stuff... Brrrrrrr


  • At 3:21 PM, Blogger Good Old Mom said…

    It has been cold here too....but if we had white stuff I was still in bed and didn't get to see it....hehehe....I'm glad that someone finally put up another post...I like BJs truck.

  • At 12:01 PM, Blogger Susie said…

    It's been disgustingly nice here. I want some SNOW, dang it. Smooth move by BJ... nice it see the little guy sticking it to the big guys sometimes. So to speak. No commentary on BJ's manhood intended. Heh.


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